Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Vacation

Yeah!!, it's summer time. Well, it has been for quite a while now. Maybe that's the excuse I can use for not blogging since spring sprung. I've been too busy enjoying summer. Well, to be honest, I've been busy. Since my last post Kris (my husband) and I found a real estate agent, started looking for houses, enjoyed three different visits from family, went back to LA to see both our families, became members of our church, started painting again, got bikes and rode them, bought a house (under contract now), and went to a few "Nats" games. And all the while working, working, working (not all in that order). But that is early summer, today is late summer and tomorrow we are driving up to see the sights of Annapolis, Maryland in a Mini Cooper. Pictures to come later.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Fling


Ok, I finally see it. The tender blooms sprouting from the sticks in the ground, the greenish yellow stubble on the tree skeletons , and the pinks and purples protruding, the whites and yellows yearning to free themselves from the depths of winter. DC's spring is like a prize for those who endured the long (maybe just my California clock) and bitter (also my California thermometer) winter. This weekend I'm hoping to enjoy the sights of spring from my new Schwinn.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

WATESOL Workshop

As an ESL teacher of primarily young adults, I need to keep up with technology before it completely changes and even email becomes passe, or has it already? It's a cold and rainy Saturday morning and yes I'd rather be in bed in pajamas, but I am committed to improving my teaching techniques and methods. So here I am at the WATESOL Spring Workshop on Integrating Technology into the ESL Classroom at the University of Maryland. It was a 30 minute metro ride and a 7 dollar taxi ride, was it worth it? You've got my attention.

Pay Attention